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Gym Workout 12: Cardio and core

Writer's picture: SigSig

Disclaimer: Always consult with your doctor or physical therapist before starting any new workout routine. Following this workout is always at your own risk. Listen to your body during exercise, and stop immediately if you experience any discomfort or pain.

The Gym Workout Plan consists of 24 different workouts with a 4-day workout split, meaning that we rotate between Upper Body, Lower Body, Total Body, and then Cardio+Core workouts. For more info on the Gym Workout Plan click here. A home workout version of this workout can be found here.

Equipment for this workout: Cardio machine (treadmill, stair machine, rowing machine), one dumbbell.

Info: Start with a warm-up. This workout can take a little longer than previous ones. If you cannot give yourself 50-60 minutes cut the time on the cardio machine and do fewer sets/rounds of the core exercise routine. After your warm up start with exercise routine 1 which is 8-10 mines of a cardio machine, then go to exercise routine 2 and do 1-2 rounds of core exercises, repeating this set up two more times. End with stretches.

If it says e.g. 4/4x then I mean finishing 4 reps first on the right side (R) and then 4 on the left (L). If it says e.g. 8x and this is an exercise that tests both R and L then this is the total number of repetitions and you alternate between R and L. 

Warmup for cardio: 

1 round:

Exercise routine 1:

  1. 8-10 min stair machine (you could start up to 5 mins with mini band above knees speed 7 and then the remaining 3-5 mins with no mini band and speed 9)

Exercise routine 2:

1-2 rounds:

Exercise routine 3:

  1. 8-10 mins rowing machine, resistance setting 5-10, steady pace the whole time. Focus on the pull.

Exercise routine 4:

1-2 rounds:

  1. Max (up to 12x) hanging leg raises (pull up station)

  2. 10/10x cursty on step/bench (eitt handlóð, bekkur/pallur)

Exercise routine 5:

  1. 8-10 min treadmill, (first 5 min incline 13, speed 3 - nose breathing the whole time, next 5 min incline 1, your running speed - breath in through nose out through mouth)

Exercise routine 6:

Benchmark weight: Beginner 5-10lbs. More advanced 20-30+lbs.

1-2 rounds: 

  1. 10x sit ups (one dumbbell)

  2. 20x russian twist (one dumbbell)

  3. 20/20x SL glute bridge (one dumbbell)


  1. 4/4x inner thigh + spinal stretch or 30 sec stretch for inner thigh

  2. 8x windshield wipers

  3. 30/30 sec glutes

  4. 4/4x lying spinal stretch

  5. 2x child pose stretch forward 

  6. 20/20 sec quads

  7. 20/20 sec hamstrings

 Add any stretches you feel the need to

Let me know in the comments how this workout was for you! And please share it with others so it can serve a greater purpose.


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