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Gym Workout 4: Cardio and core

Writer's picture: SigSig

Disclaimer: Always consult with your doctor or physical therapist before starting any new workout routine. Following this workout is always at your own risk. Listen to your body during exercise, and stop immediately if you experience any discomfort or pain.

The Gym Workout Plan consists of 24 different workouts with a 4-day workout split, meaning that we rotate between Upper Body, Lower Body, Total Body, and then Cardio+Core workouts. For more info on the Gym Workout Plan click here. A home workout version of this workout can be found here.

Equipment for this workout: Cardio machine (treadmill or stair machine), assault bike, yoga ball

Info: Start with a warm-up, then follow the exercise routines, start with exercise routine 1 which is a cardio workout. I recommend going on the treadmill but you can go on any cardio machine. Then follow exercise routine 2 and so on, add a finisher if you have the energy and need to and and end with stretches.

If it says e.g. 4/4x then I mean finishing 4 reps first on the right side (R) and then 4 on the left (L). If it says e.g. 8x and this is an exercise that tests both R and L then this is the total number of repetitions and you alternate between R and L. 

Warmup for cardio: 

1 round:

Exercise routine 1:

15 min on cardio machine (treadmill). Stay active the whole time. Start slowly for the for 1-2 minutes (e.g. speed 3-3.5mph). Then go up to your 60-70% speed (lets say you can sprint on 11mph then 60-70% would be around 6.5-7.5mph. Keep this speed throughout the 15 min time frame. Make sure you do not breath only through your mouth, try nose breathing or inhale only through your nose exhale through your mouth. It is best to have the board at a slight incline (0.5-1.5), but if you are prone to getting shin splints, have at most a 0.5 incline or no incline at all.

Exercise routine 2:

2-3 rounds:

  1. 6-12x Vup with ball (yoga ball) or Vups

  2. 6-12x pike plank (yoga ball) or plank to + A position

Little to no rest between rounds

Exercise routine 3:

If there is no assault bike then follow the treadmill version below.

9 min assault bike divided like this: 

  1. 1.5 min fast tempo biking forward

  2. 1 min slow tempo biking backwards

  3. 1.5 min fast tempo biking forward

  4. 1 min slow tempo biking backwards

  5. Steady speed for 4 minutes

Treadmill version

9 min run on treadmill divided like this:

3 rounds:

  1. 2 min slow pace/jog (benchmark speed: walking speed: 2.5-3.5, jog speed: 4.5-6)

  2. 1 min fast pace/sprint (benchmark speed: 7-11)

Exercise routine 4:

1 round. Set a timer to 4 minutes:


1-3x rounds:

  1. 60 sec sprint on a cardio machine 

Rest around 60 seconds between rounds


  1. 4/4x inner thigh + spinal stretch or 30 sec stretch for inner thigh

  2. 8x windshield wipers

  3. 30/30 sec glutes

  4. 4/4x lying spinal stretch

  5. 2x child pose stretch forward 

  6. 20/20 sec quads

  7. 20/20 sec hamstrings

 Add any stretches you feel the need to

Let me know in the comments how this workout was for you! And please share it with others so it can serve a greater purpose.


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