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Gym Workout 7: Total Body

Writer's picture: SigSig

Disclaimer: Always consult with your doctor or physical therapist before starting any new workout routine. Following this workout is always at your own risk. Listen to your body during exercise, and stop immediately if you experience any discomfort or pain.

The Gym Workout Plan consists of 24 different workouts with a 4-day workout split, meaning that we rotate between Upper Body, Lower Body, Total Body, and then Cardio+Core workouts. For more info on the Gym Workout Plan click here. A home workout version of this workout can be found here.

Equipment for this workout: Two dumbbells, sliders/towel, assault bike, bench/box, kettlebell.

Info: Start with a total body warm-up, then you follow the exercise routines, start with exercise routine 1 and finish, then go to routine 2 and finish and finally routine 3 and complete it. All exercise routines are set up as a down the pyramind routine where you start with higher reps (ligher weight) and then do fewer reps with each round (heavier weights if possible). End with stretches.

If it says e.g. 4/4x then I mean finishing 4 reps first on the right side (R) and then 4 on the left (L). If it says e.g. 8x and this is an exercise that tests both R and L then this is the total number of repetitions and you alternate between R and L.

Total body warm-up:


1 round:


2 rounds:

  1. 10x squat + pull apart (long exercise band)

  2. 10x good morning

  3. 10x pull down

  4. 10x shoulder mobility with exercise band (long exercise band)

Exercise routine 1:

Benchmark weight: Beginner 22 lbs barbell, 2x5-10 lbs dummbells. Advanced first round lighter lighter weight e.g. 45+lbs barbell or 2x22+lbs dumbbells, increase weight each round.


  1. Clusters (two dumbbells or barbell)

  2. Glute bridge R (1-2 dumbbells)

  3. Glute bridge L (1-2 dumbbells)

Rest as needed after each round - aim for 20 seconds

Exercise routine 2


  1. Reverse plank pull through (sliders/rag)

  2. Cal on assault bike (or 2 min- 1,5 min- 1 min- 30 sec sprint on cardio machine)

Rest as needed after each round - aim for 40 seconds

Exercise routine 3

Benchmark weight: Beginner 15-22lbs kettlebell. Advanced anything over 30 lbs. 


  1. Box jumps (box, bench, step)

  2. Swing (kettlebell or two dumbbells)

Rest as needed after each round - aim for 50 seconds


Add any stretches you feel the need to

Let me know in the comments how this workout was for you! And please share it with others so it can serve a greater purpose.


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