Disclaimer: Always consult with your doctor or physical therapist before starting any new workout routine. Following this workout is always at your own risk. Listen to your body during exercise, and stop immediately if you experience any discomfort or pain.
The Gym Workout Plan consists of 24 different workouts with a 4-day workout split, meaning that we rotate between Upper Body, Lower Body, Total Body, and then Cardio+Core workouts. For more info on the Gym Workout Plan click here. A home workout version of this workout can be found here.
Equipment for this workout: Pull down machine, two dumbbells, treadmill
Info: Start with a warm-up for the upper body. Todays workout is mostly a E2MOM workout where you finish X amount of exercises within a 2 min timeframe and rest the remainder of the time before doing another round. Rest 1,5-2 min between exercise routines. The last exercise routine is on a cardio machine. Add a finisher if you feel you need a little extra and end with a stretches. If it says e.g. 4/4x then I mean finishing 4 reps first on the right side (R) and then 4 on the left (L). If it says e.g. 8x and this is an exercise that tests both R and L then this is the total number of repetitions and you alternate between R and L. I will note the benchmark weight under each exercise routine, please comment the weights you were using so you know when you go back to the exercise.
Upper body warm-up:
1 round, optional foam roll:
5-8x sacrum (foam roll)
5-8x/5-8x glutes (foam roll)
5-8x upper back (foam roll)
Add extra foam rolling exercises if you feel the need to
1 round:
Benchmark weight: Beginner 2x5-7lbs dumbbells, more advanced 2x8-15lbs dumbbells.
4x cat cow
15/15x pulse in couch stretch
10x pull down
10x pull apart (long exercise band)
4x shoulder mobility (long exercise band)
10x bicep curl (two dumbbells)
10x tricep kick back (two dumbbells)
10x shoulder press (two dumbbells)
10x bent over row (two dumbbells)
Exercise routine 1:
Benchmark weight: Beginner 22+lbs. More advanced 65lbs+.
E2MOMx3 - Set Interval timer to High: 2 min, Low: 0 min, Set: 3. Finish exercises 1-3 within 2 mins and rest the remainder of the time for three rounds total
10x wide grip pull down (pull down machine)
10x narrow grip pull down (pull down machine)
10x dips (off of the pull down machine seat)
Rest the remainder of the 2 min (about 20-30 sec)
Exercise routine 2:
Benchmark weight: Beginner 2x5-10+lbs. More advanced 15-25lbs+.
E2MOMx3 - Set Interval timer to High: 2 min, Low: 0 min, Set: 3. Finish exercises 1-3 within 2 mins and rest the remainder of the time for three rounds total:
10x lying fly (two dumbbells)
10x lying weights overhead (1-2 dumbbells)
20x renegade row (two dumbbells)
Rest the remainder of the 2 min (about 20-30 sec)
Exercise routine 3:
Benchmark weight: Beginner 2x5-10+lbs. More advanced 15-25lbs+.
E2MOMx3 - Set Interval timer to High: 2 min, Low: 0 min, Set: 3. Finish exercises 1-3 within 2 mins and rest the remainder of the time for three rounds total:
12x alt bicep curl (two dumbbells)
6x man makers (two dumbbells)
Rest the remainder of the 2 min (about 20-30 sec)
Exercise routine 4:
1 round:
6 min treadmill, incline 12, speed 3.5 mph. Try breathing only through your nose the whole time.
Max speed you can hold for 2 mins straight on cardio machine
4/4x inner thigh + spinal stretch or 30 sec stretch for inner thigh
30/30 sec glutes
4/4x lying spinal stretch
20/20 sec shoulders
20 sec bicep
20/20 sec tricep
Add any stretches you feel the need to
Let me know in the comments how this workout was for you! And please share it with others so it can serve a greater purpose.